Thursday, March 17, 2011

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Jacob worked his way through the songbook that came with his new(ish) Ukulele... In honor of St. Patrick's Day I thought I would post his rendition of When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. He has never heard the actual song, so the tune is completely his own. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Leveraging Resources [Warning: Unsavory Content Ahead!]

Jacob (3.9yo), yells from the bathroom: "IIIII neeeeeeeed a wiiiiiiiiiipe..."

Josh (2.75yo), immediately drops what he's playing with and frantically runs towards the bathroom: "OKaaaaaay! I'm comiiiiiing!"


Monday, January 17, 2011

Jacob and Josh on the rock climbing wall

Here are the boys going up a rock climbing wall at a birthday party yesterday.

The still pic captures Jacob (in the front with Craig) on his first and only attempt, and Josh (in the light blue shirt in the back with Rachel) on this third go...

The video is of Josh on his first trip up... After this attempt he waited in line for 2 more turns!

Both boys had a great time!

Josh on the snowboard...

Ok, so he's just pretend snowboarding in our bedroom, but he was having a great time anyway! He especially loved wearing my helmet and goggles! (**If you look closely, you can see Josh's relatively new camera-smile in the last picture!)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Counting challenges

On the way home from school today Jacob nonchalantly announced that he was going to count "in trinary." Then he did. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12... What?!? Knowing that Craig had taught him the binary system I asked him where he learned trinary (is that even a correct term for Base 3??)--he told me he figured it out himself (knowing what he already knew about binary numbers... he then went on to count in Base 4 next...) [Craig later confirmed that he has not taught Jacob any Base 3 or 4 etc...] Anyway, when we arrived at home Jacob ran for the paper and pencil and wrote down his counting! Almost 4 years old...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Craig!

And here's a picture of the birthday card Jacob made for Craig (with a little help from Josh). Jacob cut out each of the letters himself (each is from a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper), and Josh decorated the car and the truck! Made with love for daddy... Happy 44th (gasp!) Craig!

Happy Chanukah Cards

Jacob has been quite crafty lately... Here's a picture of the Chanukah cards that he made for all 19(!!!) of his classmates! Whew!